How can you boost the nitrates in beetroot and vegetables, and why should you care? Let’s dive right in and find out!

Understanding Nitrates in Beetroots & Veggies

Nitrates are essential chemical and nutritional components in plants, especially in beetroots and arugula, both contributing significantly to their nutritional and health-promoting profile.

In the body, nitrates from beetroots and other veggies like arugula are converted into nitric oxide, which plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health, immune health, and brain function and is known for lowering blood pressure and improving blood flow.

There are literally thousands of studies on the benefits of nitric oxide from many sources like arginine, citrulline, and beetroot. If you like to garden, it makes a lot of sense to learn how you can increase the amount of nitrate in your food since it offers so many incredible health benefits.

Beetroot & Nitrates


High Nitrate Veggies

Arugula (Rocket)

Arugula is renowned for its very high nitrate levels, making it one of the top vegetables in this category.

Ideal Growing Conditions: Arugula prefers moderate to cool climates. It is versatile and can be grown in various regions across the United States, especially those with mild winters.


Beetroots are well-known for their substantial nitrate content, which benefits health.

Ideal Growing Conditions: Beetroots grow best in cooler climates. They are adaptable and can thrive in many areas across the U.S., particularly in regions with temperate climates.


Celery is another vegetable with a high concentration of nitrates, alongside being a low-calorie and high-water-content vegetable.
Ideal Growing Conditions: Celery requires a long growing season and consistent moisture. It grows well in regions with steady temperatures and ample water supply, which can be found in various parts of the United States.

These vegetables, with their high nitrate content, have diverse growing requirements, so almost anyone reading this article should be able to grow at least one of these.

Arugula’s ability to adapt to a range of climates, beetroots’ preference for cooler temperatures, and celery’s need for a consistent, moist environment illustrate the variety of conditions needed to grow and cultivate these nutrient-rich vegetables successfully.

To enhance the nitrate content in vegetables such as arugula, beetroot, and celery, it’s essential to focus on effective soil management and various fertilization techniques.


Here’s an integrated approach to increasing the nitrate content in your garden produce, aiming to boost overall health benefits:

Nitrogen-Rich Fertilization

Select fertilizers high in nitrogen since nitrates are a form of nitrogen absorbed by plants. Options like calcium nitrate, potassium nitrate, or ammonium nitrate are effective. Organic alternatives such as blood meal or fish emulsion, also rich in nitrogen, can be used. It’s important to apply these fertilizers regularly as per the manufacturer’s guidelines. Leafy greens like arugula might require more frequent applications to maintain high nitrate levels and support rapid growth.

Soil Management

Regular soil testing is a key step in monitoring nitrate levels, allowing you to adjust your fertilization strategy effectively. Nitrates are crucial for healthy plant growth, and understanding their levels in your soil is fundamental.

Maintaining a soil pH between 6.0 and 7.0 helps maximize nitrogen availability for most vegetables. Adding organic matter such as compost or well-rotted manure improves soil structure and microbial activity, aiding in converting organic nitrogen sources to nitrates.

Irrigation Practices

Consistent watering is vital, as water stress can affect a plant’s ability to absorb nitrates. However, it’s equally important to avoid overwatering, which can cause the leaching of nitrates from the soil, reducing their availability to plants.

Crop Rotation

Incorporating nitrogen-fixing crops like legumes in your crop rotation can enhance the nitrogen content of the soil for the subsequent growing season, benefiting the next crop in terms of nitrate availability.

Harvest Timing

Harvesting your vegetables at the right time is crucial. Younger arugula leaves or medium-sized beetroots often have higher nitrate concentrations than over-matured ones. Since commercial farms are interested in larger-size veggies as they sell for more money, this is yet another reason why growing your own is advisable.


Applying organic mulch around the plants is beneficial. Mulch helps maintain soil moisture and temperature, fostering better absorption of nitrates by the plants.

Controlled Environment Growing

Consider using controlled environments such as hydroponic systems or greenhouses. These settings allow for precise control of nutrient levels, including nitrogen, which can lead to higher nitrate concentrations in the plants.

By adopting these strategies, you can effectively increase the nitrate content in vegetables like arugula, beetroot, and celery, enhancing their nutritional value and contributing to a healthier diet.

Arugula Can Be Very High In Nitrates

nitric oxide beetroot