Remove Dental Amalgams

Remove Dental Amalgams The Safe Way

How to Safely Remove Dental Amalgams: A Comprehensive Guide

Dental amalgams, more commonly known as “silver fillings,” have long been debated due to their mercury content in medical and dental communities. If you’re contemplating removing your amalgams, it’s vital to ensure the procedure is done safely and by a qualified professional. Moreover, post-procedure detoxification can further safeguard your health. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to proceed.

1. Understanding the Need To Remove Dental Amalgams:

Firstly, it’s important to understand why you might want your amalgams removed. Many individuals choose to do so due to concerns about mercury exposure, while others may be driven by aesthetic considerations or dental issues.

Dental fillings, particularly amalgam fillings, have been the subject of extensive research and discussion due to their potential effects on human health. Dental amalgams contain mercury, which can release mercury vapor. Inhalation of mercury vapors can have harmful effects over time. Other types of fillings, such as composite resins, porcelain, or gold, have their own concerns, albeit less controversial than amalgams.

Here are some studies and their findings regarding the health effects of dental fillings and materials and why you may want to remove dental amalgams:

  1. Dental Amalgam and Mercury Exposure:
  2. Composite Resins and Bisphenol A (BPA) Release:
  3. Dental Amalgam and Neurological Effects:

2. Choosing the Right Dentist:

Selecting the ideal dentist is crucial when it comes to amalgam removal.

  • Credentials Matter: Look for a dentist trained in safe amalgam removal. Organizations like the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) offer certifications in this area.
  • Safety Protocols: The right dentist should employ stringent safety measures. This includes using rubber dams to prevent mercury particles from being ingested, specialized air filtration systems, and protective wear for both the patient and dental staff.
  • Personal Recommendations: Sometimes, word-of-mouth references can be invaluable. Ask friends or family if they’ve had a positive experience with a particular dentist during amalgam removal.

3. The Removal Process:

Once you’ve settled on a dentist, it’s time to understand the procedure.

  • Step-by-Step Removal: A trained dentist will often remove the amalgam in chunks rather than drilling it out in a way that generates a lot of heat and vapor, minimizing mercury exposure.
  • Use of Additional Barriers: Beyond the rubber dam, some practitioners might use saliva ejectors and even external oxygen sources, ensuring you aren’t inhaling mercury vapors during the procedure.

4. Detoxification After Amalgam Removal:

Post-removal, some individuals opt for detoxification strategies to rid their bodies of any residual mercury. One popular option is Chelanox.

  • How Chelanox Works: Chelanox is believed to chelate, or bind to, mercury, facilitating its removal from the body. This can be especially beneficial after amalgam removal, even with the most careful procedures.
  • Administration: A healthcare professional typically advises on the correct dosage and regimen. It’s essential to adhere to these guidelines for optimum results and safety.
  • Monitoring: Like any detoxification process, monitoring your body’s response is crucial. Regular check-ups and consultations with your healthcare provider can ensure you’re on the right track.

In Conclusion:

While dental amalgam removal might seem daunting, the process can be both safe and beneficial with the right preparation and post-care. Whether driven by health concerns or other reasons, always ensure you make informed decisions and work with qualified professionals. Remember, your health is paramount; every step should reflect the best care and attention possible.

Choosing Supplements To Remove Heavy Metals That Work

Choosing Supplements To Remove Heavy Metals That Work

You may not realize it, but every day you are exposed to toxic metals such as mercury, lead, arsenic, and cadmium. These metals pose a threat not only to us as individuals, but to the environment as well. Thanks to the negative effects of several industries, toxic metals, and other wastes have infiltrated the air around us, food supplies, and water supplies. Furthermore, exposure to these toxic heavy metals is impossible to avoid. So, we need a game plan for when exposure becomes detrimental to our health. How do we choose the right supplements to remove heavy metals? This article will explore what supplements that help remove heavy metals actually work so you can get your detox right the first time.

The Starting Point: Heavy Metals 101

Just in case this is your first article exploring heavy metals and the world of detoxes, this section will give you a basic overview of heavy metals.

What Are Heavy Metals?

Heavy metals are naturally occurring elements found in the earth’s crust. They are usually denser than water to be considered a heavy metal. While some heavy metals such as zinc and iron are needed in trace amounts, even too much of these will cause health problems. There are approximately 23 heavy metals, and out of these our biggest concerns are the four most toxic heavy metals to humans. These metals are lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium. Each of these metals causes numerous health problems if exposure reaches a high enough level for a long enough duration. Symptoms of exposure can range from acute to chronic.

What Symptoms Should You Look For?

If you are suffering from acute toxicity symptoms, you are experiencing symptoms such as:


    • Headaches
    • Stomach Problems – bloating, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, abdominal swelling, diarrhea, and constipation
    • Low libido
    • Fatigue
    • Tremors/shakes
    • Numbness in the arms and legs
    • Brain Fog – difficulty remembering daily tasks and/or difficulty focusing on daily tasks


For those with chronic exposure and heavy metal accumulation over a long enough period, you may experience the onset of diseases such as:


    • Cancer(s)
    • Crohn’s disease
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Organ failure (liver/kidney)
    • Alzheimer’s disease


Whether the problems are acute or chronic, these are health problems we want to avoid. So, when choosing supplements to remove heavy metals from the body, we want to make sure we choose supplements that will work. In this next section, we will investigate compounds and natural supplements to remove heavy metals that will work, making your detox efforts much easier.

Which Supplements To Remove Heavy Metals Work?

While there are plenty of choices for supplements to take to do a heavy metal detox, it is difficult to choose the best ones since there is so much information out there. By writing this, I hope to narrow the search and make it easier for you guys and gals. With that said, let’s get into this list of supplements to remove heavy metals that will work.



This supplement is an alga grown in fresh water. What makes it a successful supplement to remove heavy metals is that chlorella acts as a natural chelating agent. This means chlorella will bind to the heavy metals in your body and remove them by mobilizing them and flushing them using your body’s natural detox pathways (urination, bowel movements, etc).


This blue-green alga grows in both fresh and salt water. It is widely used for its antioxidant properties. This means spirulina reduces inflammation caused by free radicals brought about by heavy metal exposure. Any compound or supplement that packs an antioxidant punch will be beneficial as a supplement to remove heavy metals. This is because antioxidants destroy free radicals which can inflame the organs responsible for detoxing your body. These organs are the liver, kidneys, GI tract, and lymph nodes. You’ll find that many of the supplements on this list will have a high dosage of antioxidants for organ support.

Milk Thistle

This plant makes the list of supplements because it works to support the liver. Milk thistle supports bile secretion, helps the liver resist inflammation, and supports GI tract health. Milk thistle even helps promote liver regeneration to a minor degree. There is also research that supports the notion that milk thistle helps heal the liver of jaundice and poison damage. Since milk thistle is so beneficial to the liver, it makes sense to add this to the list of supplements to remove heavy metals.

Burdock Root

The benefit of the burdock root is its antioxidant properties. Furthermore, burdock root is a fantastic blood cleanser. Not only does this plant help remove toxins from your blood, but it also supports your lymphatic system. This system is part of your body’s detox system. These benefits make burdock root a great choice as a supplement to remove heavy metals.


Oftentimes, dandelion and burdock root are used together to make a potent body purifier. This is because the dandelion is great for purifying the liver and strengthening your bones. Furthermore, dandelion promotes blood circulation and helps detoxify the liver, spleen, and brain from heavy metals. It is easy to see why this plant makes a great supplement to remove heavy metals.


Cilantro is an herb commonly found in Hispanic dishes. Furthermore, it is one of the most potent natural chelating agents in nature. Most supplements will contain cilantro or cilantro extract (including Chelanox). Cilantro has antioxidants and chelating agents that bind to heavy metals in the bloodstream and flush them out of the body. Since it is a common cooking herb, it is a little easier to add this one to a meal than most of these other supplements.

Garlic & Onion

This is another natural supplement that is easily added to dishes and has been shown to be fantastic for removing heavy metals. What makes garlic so beneficial are the sulfur compounds within it. Sulfur compounds bind to and remove metals from the body. In the same vein, onions are used the same as garlic. These vegetables also contain sulfur compounds. What makes them such a great duo is that they are often used together as complementary flavors in many dishes.

Honorable Mentions

There are several other supplements that support the detox systems in the body as well as replenish key nutrients to help the body remove heavy metals. Here are a few of those honorable mentions:


    • Vitamin C – a much-needed nutrient and antioxidant that supports natural detox.
    • Zinc – a metal that in trace amounts has massive health benefits for the body.
    • Iron – this metal is essential for protein building and blood cell health.
    • Blueberries – one of the best sources of antioxidants in nature.
    • Organic leafy greens – packed with essential vitamins and minerals to support the organs and keep the body healthy (kale, spinach, mustard greens, etc.).


Are There Any Side Effects To Removing Heavy Metals?

This question is tricky to answer, but yes and no. Most of the side effects will depend on the method you use to conduct a heavy metal detox. Chelation therapy will have more side effects than adding more veggies to your diet. However, if you intend to make big changes quickly, you can expect potential short-term side effects.

The most common side effects from a heavy metal detox are:


    • Fatigue
    • Headaches
    • Diarrhea
    • Being “gassy”
    • Drowsiness
    • Nausea
    • Bloating


The duration of these effects will depend on the method you use to detox and how much heavy metal accumulation you have. The higher the concentration of metals, the more side effects you will notice once you start getting those metals moving around.

It is recommended for you to start a detox slowly and gradually over a longer period to minimize the negative effects. This will help you avoid shocking your body with too much change.

Final Thoughts

If you want to make sure you do your detox right the first time, make sure you save this list of supplements to remove heavy metals that work. Each of these has data supporting its effectiveness. A few last-minute tips for you would be to drink plenty of water, get adequate sleep, shop organically when possible, avoid canned foods, and source your fish. Just making these changes will do wonders for minimizing your exposure to heavy metals.




Top 5 veggies for a heavy metal body detox

Top 5 Veggies For A Heavy Metal Body Detox

Every day we get exposed to toxic heavy metals. This exposure comes from soil, air, water, and even food contamination. While completely avoiding heavy metal exposure is impossible, we still want to minimize exposure to the best of our ability. We want to do this because research shows us that long-term exposure to heavy metals can contribute to numerous acute and chronic health problems. Some of these diseases include cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, fibromyalgia, and many others. We can help the body fight off these effects by partaking in a heavy metal body detox to eliminate these harmful toxins from the body.

There are numerous medical and natural remedies you can use to detox your body from heavy metals, and this article will look at several vegetables that help the body detox heavy metals.


Heavy Metals 101

Before we look at the vegetables I recommend for a heavy metal body detox, let’s jump into the facts about heavy metals in case this is your first deep dive into the subject matter.


How Do You Get Exposed To Heavy Metals?

The body gets exposed to heavy metals from several methods. Exposure occurs from soil contamination, water supply contamination, food supply contamination, air pollution, and industrial waste. Some lesser known methods of exposure include:


  • dental fillings
  • old paint
  • canned foods
  • vaccinations

Each method is situation-based but the fact remains that nobody can avoid some degree of heavy metal exposure.


What Are The Short-Term Effects Of Heavy Metal Exposure?

Heavy metal exposure and accumulation in the body leads to several issues that can look like other health problems. Because of this, it is recommended to get tested if you experience some of the following symptoms of acute metal toxicity.

Symptoms To Look For:


  • fatigue
  • headaches
  • nausea
  • bloating
  • stomach pains
  • dizziness
  • difficulty remembering things
  • difficulty concentrating
  • high blood pressure
  • hot flashes
  • dry/itchy skin
  • low libido
  • low energy
  • insomnia

Once again, these can be symptoms of numerous other health problems. Therefore, you need to be tested to either confirm or rule out heavy metal toxicity. If it is confirmed to be metal exposure, then a heavy metal body detox is the next step.


What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Heavy Metal Exposure?

Short-term effects are bad enough, but over time, the accumulation of heavy metals can contribute to plenty of other health problems. Examples of diseases that heavy metal accumulation contributes to include:


  • cardiovascular disease
  • cancer(s)
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Alzheimer’s
  • liver failure

Of course, there are other factors that contribute to the development of these diseases. However, long-term heavy metal toxicity is something you can check and rule out to be safe.


How Do You Know If Heavy Metals Are To Blame For Symptoms You Are Experiencing?

The only way to know for sure is to go visit your doctor and get tested. Now, there are some hair mineral tests you can get online. However, it is still recommended to play it safe and go visit the doctor for testing. They can test hair mineral levels, saliva, and blood for metal levels. Once you know what metals you need more of or less of, you can make a plan.


Are All Metals Bad For You?

No. In fact, we need trace amounts of several metals to be healthy. Some examples of metals that are good for us in trace amounts (micronutrients) include:


  • Magnesium
  • Copper
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sodium
  • Iron

In excess, these metals are toxic to you. However, in trace amounts, they help your body perform many necessary functions to stay alive. With that said, there are other metals your body has ZERO use for. These are the toxic heavy metals you want to avoid to the best of your ability. When it comes to toxic heavy metals, there are 4 that are most toxic to you. These are:


  • Mercury
  • Lead
  • Arsenic
  • Cadmium

These are the four heavy metals most associated with poisoning and cause the most damage with minimal exposure.


What Do You Do If You Are Suffering From Heavy Metal Exposure?

If you are confirmed to have excess levels of toxic metals in your body, the next step is to eliminate them. There are a couple of ways you can do this. The easiest way is to make changes to your diet and lifestyle. The second way is to try chelation therapy. Chelation therapy is a medical procedure that involves introducing a chelating agent into the body. This chelating agent binds to metals and mobilizes them so they can be eliminated by your body’s natural detoxification pathways (urinating, bowel movements, sweating, etc).

While chelation therapy is a method that works, it can also bind to metals that your body needs, so it is best to try diet changes and lifestyle changes first and see if that helps. As long as symptoms are not dire, you can avoid medical intervention and do a heavy metal body detox at home safely.


What Diet And Lifestyle Changes Are Needed To Detox The Body?

Simply put, you want to start engaging in eating habits such as:


  1. Eating more leafy greens.
  2. Eating more fruit.
  3. Adding herbs and spices such as cilantro and parsley to your meals.
  4. Eating more flaxseeds and chia seeds.
  5. Drinking a cup of bone broth each day.

I will provide more detail on specific vegetables soon, but these basic diet changes will provide your body with natural chelating agents and give the body essential vitamins and minerals to keep your body’s detox system working optimally.

Some lifestyle and habit changes you can make to help the body detox heavy metals include:


  1. Filter your house water.
  2. Be wary of your fish (tuna, salmon, shellfish, and swordfish in particular).
  3. Ask for mercury-free vaccine alternatives.
  4. Opt for resin fillings over silver fillings at your next dentist visit.
  5. Drink more water.
  6. Make sure the paint in your building is lead-free.

There are other changes you can make, but these are a great place to start to minimize heavy metal exposure.


The 5 Vegetables For A Heavy Metal Body Detox

I will start off by saying there are more than 5 vegetables that will detox the body from heavy metals. However, these 5 vegetables I am listing are in my opinion the most versatile vegetables for a diet. Furthermore, these vegetables will provide other health benefits, such as boosting nitric oxide and providing essential micronutrients to keep you healthy. Now, let’s get into it.


Heavy Metal Body Detox Veggie #1: KALE

Kale is one of the most widely known healthy leafy green available. Not only does it contain numerous vitamins and minerals your body needs, but it also contains antioxidants your body uses to fight off free radicals and reduce inflammation caused by heavy metal exposure. Some of the nutrients kale contains include:


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Potassium
  • Copper
  • Manganese


Heavy Metal Body Detox Veggie #2: SPINACH

The next leafy green to add to your diet for a heavy metal body detox is spinach. Spinach is packed full of essential vitamins and minerals just like kale. Also, spinach can be added to any meal of the day, making it a versatile food. Some of the nutrients you will get from spinach include:


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin K
  • Folate
  • Iron
  • Potassium

Furthermore, you can combine kale and spinach together in a salad or smoothie for a powerful meal designed to detox the body from heavy metals on top of numerous other health benefits.


Heavy Metal Body Detox Veggie #3: MUSTARD GREENS

While this heavy metal body detox veggie is fine to eat raw, in my experience these are best eaten boiled or stewed with seasonings. These greens are packed with numerous micronutrients such as:


  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Niacin
  • Riboflavin
  • Iron
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium

These greens make an excellent side dish for various types of meat, particularly beef and chicken dishes.


Heavy Metal Body Detox Veggie #4: BEETROOT

While beetroot has tons of health benefits, we are looking at what makes it good as a heavy metal body detox food. Unlike some of the other vegetables on this list, beetroot is a substantial standalone meal for those who like the taste or need a filling meat-free meal. Furthermore, beetroot contains essential micronutrients the body needs to detox heavy metals optimally. Some of these nutrients include:


  • Folate
  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Iron



Heavy Metal Body Detox Veggie #5: GARLIC

While I have discussed garlic before, it needs just as much love as leafy greens. This is because garlic specializes in eliminating heavy metals. Garlic contains sulfur compounds such as allicin that bind to heavy metals in the bloodstream and organs. This makes garlic a natural chelating agent. Furthermore, garlic contains other key nutrients to help the body detox heavy metals. These key nutrients include:


  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Manganese
  • Fiber
  • Selenium
  • Potassium

Garlic is most helpful when it is chopped or diced. Also, add garlic to numerous meals as a flavor enhancer. Furthermore, garlic is useful as an ingredient in spreads and sauces.


Final Thoughts

You can add all of these veggies listed above to your daily diet in many ways. There are plenty of other vegetables you can add to your diet, and I will cover several others in a later article. Take this information and use it to conduct a safe and tasty heavy metal body detox.

To learn more about heavy metals and living a healthier life, check out the rest of our blog here.