EDTA Chelation

EDTA chelation therapy has been a subject of medical research and practice for several decades. Initially it was used for lead detoxification in the mid-20th century. Because of this, its application has expanded to address various health issues, including cardiovascular diseases and heavy metal poisoning.

This article explores the history, mechanisms, and benefits of EDTA chelation therapy. It focuses on its role in detoxifying heavy metals and reducing arterial calcification, as well as its potential as an oral supplement.

Because of rampant contamination in our food, water and the air we breathe, understanding how to use EDTA is more important than ever!

History of EDTA Chelation

EDTA (ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid) was first synthesized in the 1930s and gained prominence during World War II as a treatment for lead poisoning among factory workers. Its ability to bind with metal ions and form stable compounds made it an effective agent for removing heavy metals from the body.

After the war, researchers began investigating its potential in treating atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular conditions.

Mechanism of Action

EDTA chelation therapy works by binding to heavy metals in the bloodstream, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium. It forms complexes that are then excreted in the urine. This process effectively reduces the body’s toxic metal burden. Beyond heavy metal detoxification, EDTA has been observed to have a decalcifying effect on arterial walls by removing calcium deposits, which are a key component of arterial plaque.

Detoxifying Heavy Metals

Heavy metals accumulate in the body from various sources, including environmental pollutants, occupational exposure, and contaminated food and water. These metals can disrupt biological processes and increase oxidative stress, leading to chronic diseases. EDTA chelation therapy has been shown to effectively reduce levels of these toxic metals, thereby mitigating their adverse health effects.

Reducing Arterial Calcification

Calcification in the arteries is a hallmark of atherosclerosis, which can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and stroke. By chelating calcium, EDTA helps reduce arterial plaque and improve blood flow. Clinical trials, including the TACT (Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy), have provided evidence supporting the cardiovascular benefits of EDTA chelation therapy.

EDTA as an Oral Supplement

While intravenous administration is the most common form of EDTA chelation therapy, oral EDTA supplements have also become available. Oral chelation offers a less invasive option, with studies suggesting its efficacy in heavy metal detoxification and cardiovascular health improvement. However, the absorption and effectiveness of oral EDTA can vary.

Potential Benefits and Considerations

Sexual Function: Improved blood flow as a result of reduced arterial calcification. This could potentially enhance sexual function, given the critical role of circulation in sexual health.

Overall Health: By reducing the body’s burden of heavy metals and improving cardiovascular health, EDTA chelation therapy may contribute to a greater sense of well-being and vitality.

Safety and Side Effects: EDTA chelation therapy is generally considered safe when performed under medical supervision.  Potential side effects may include kidney damage and mineral deficiencies.


EDTA chelation therapy offers a multifaceted approach to improving health by detoxifying heavy metals and reducing arterial calcification. Its history, from treating lead poisoning to potentially enhancing sexual function and cardiovascular health, illustrates its versatility and therapeutic potential.