oral chelation supplements

Unleash the Power of Oral Chelation Supplements: Understanding Heavy Metal Detoxification

In our increasingly polluted environment, it’s essential to explore innovative strategies to maintain our bodies in a state free from damaging toxins and impurities. Global pollution and ecological challenges have led to a surge of interest in oral chelation supplements. Particularly popular are those targeting heavy metal detoxification. Contaminated food, beverages, manufacturing processes, and pesticides can all contribute to an unwanted toxic burden.

It is essential to understand the methods for removing toxins from our bodies and the potential damage they can cause.

Prominent in the field of Chelation is Chelanox by Bionox®. Chelanox is a potent blend of botanicals engineered to counter the harmful impacts of heavy metals in our systems. We’ve meticulously researched each ingredient to curate the most effective formulation. Our goal today is to enlighten you about the intricacies of Chelation and the rationale behind our ingredient selection.


Exploring Oral Chelation

Oral chelation represents a health or dietary intervention that leverages certain compounds to purge the body of detrimental toxins, mainly heavy metals.

Known as chelating agents, these elements bind with the toxins and heavy metals inside the body. This helps the body detox by creating a stable chelate compound. The body then safely removes this compound through urine or feces. Initially used to fight against heavy metal toxicity, the application of this therapy has expanded over time.

The introduction of products like Chelanox has expanded its scope to encompass preventative health and overall wellness.

Oral chelation could play a pivotal role in protecting and elevating your health:

  1. Diminishing Toxic Burden – The main advantage of oral chelation is the diminution of toxic burden, primarily heavy metals like arsenic, lead, and mercury.
  2. Maintaining Heart Health – Research indicates that chelation therapy could decrease the accumulation of specific types of plaque in arteries, thereby facilitating optimal cardiovascular well being.
  3. Preserving Kidney Health: By alleviating the load of toxins and heavy metals, oral chelation products could help maintain the health of your kidneys.
  4. Preserving Neurological Function – Chelation therapy could help maintain neurological function by expelling heavy metals from your body.
  5. Immune System – Chelation therapy can boost immune system health and general vitality by lessening the total toxic load on the body.
  6. Boosting Vitality Levels – Chelation supplement users often report a surge in vitality levels. This is likely due to reduced systemic stress caused by toxins and heavy metals. Increased vitality leads to an overall better feeling and increased activity, which is always beneficial!
  7. Gut Health – Chelation therapy could bolster gut health by expelling toxins from the body.
  8. Enhancing Skin Health – Chelation therapy might boost skin health by facilitating the expulsion of toxins, leading to a cleaner, more glowing complexion.
  9. Maximizing Nutrient Uptake – Reduced toxic interference may allow the body to absorb and utilize essential nutrients from your diet more effectively.
  10. Maintaining Liver Health – The liver plays a key role in detoxification within the body. Chelation could foster healthier liver function by assisting the body in toxin removal.

oral chelation supplements

Reducing toxic load

Let’s examine the key ingredients in our Chelanox product to understand their functions:

  1. EDTA Calcium Disodium.  A study in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine found that oral intake of EDTA can be beneficial for reducing lead toxicity.1
  2. Chlorella Algae.  A recent study published in Nutrition Research and Practice concluded that chlorella could decrease the amount of dioxin in breast milk and in the body generally. 2
  3. Modified Citrus Pectin. MCP is a type of pectin that has been altered to be more easily absorbed by the digestive tract. A study in Phytotherapy Research indicated that MCP can help reduce lead levels in the body. 3
  4. Cilantro Leaf Extract. A study that was published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine suggests that cilantro can expedite the body’s excretion of lead and mercury. 4
  5. Shilajit. Shilajit is rich in fulvic and humic acids, which may possess chelating properties, according to a study in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 5
  6. Zeolite. Zeolites are volcanic minerals that can act like magnets for toxins. Research has shown that zeolite clinoptilolite can trap and remove harmful toxins, including heavy metals, from the body. 6
  7. N-Acetyl Cysteine. Is known to enhance the production of glutathione. 7
  8. Alpha Lipoic Acid. ALA is a potent antioxidant that can bind with toxic free radicals and help remove them from the body. A study in Free Radical Biology & Medicine found that ALA can help the body detoxify from heavy metals. 8
  9. Uva Ursi Leaf and Milk Thistle Seed . These ingredients, traditionally used in herbal medicine, are included for their diuretic and liver-supporting properties, respectively, thus aiding in the detoxification process. 910

How does oral chelation enhance heart health?

Chelation therapy has been studied for its potential benefits in treating cardiovascular disease, mainly by addressing atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis is a condition characterized by the buildup of plaques in the arteries.

These plaques, primarily comprised of cholesterol, fat, and calcium, can restrict blood flow and potentially lead to severe cardiovascular events like heart attack or stroke.

While the mechanism isn’t entirely understood, some theories suggest that the calcium-disodium form of EDTA could bind with the calcium in these plaques, thus helping to reduce their size and improve blood flow. For this reason, we use this form of EDTA in Chelanox.

Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy

One of the most significant studies in this area is the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT). This doubleblind, placebo controlled study, sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, was designed to determine the safety and effectiveness of EDTA chelation therapy in individuals with coronary artery disease.

The results, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 11, showed that a course of 40 infusions of a high-dose multivitamin and disodium EDTA chelation solution modestly reduced the risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes, including recurrent heart attacks, stroke, and death, among study participants who had previously suffered a heart attack.

Additionally, a follow-up study, TACT2 12, is currently underway to further explore the potential benefits of EDTA chelation therapy for post-heart attack patients with diabetes, as this subgroup seemed to benefit the most in the initial TACT study.

Intravenous EDTA

It’s important to note that oral chelation may not offer the same level of cardiovascular benefits as intravenous EDTA. This is because of the lower absorption rate of oral EDTA. At Bionox, we use acid resistant capsules in our chelation product to ensure better absorption of EDTA calcium. This occurs because the capsules allow it to bypass the stomach and enter the intestines for greater potential uptake. You should not use EDTA in capsule form unless it is in acid resistant capsules. Only EDTA Calcium Disodium should be used for maximum effect and safety.

Binding of Chelating Agents to Toxins

When we say chelating agents bind to toxins, we refer to a chemical process where the chelating agent forms a complex with the toxin. Chelating agents have multiple binding sites. These sites allow them to form stable complexes with metal ions. In other words, they connect with and bind to them. This ability to bind is based on the atomic structure of the chelating agent and the toxin.

Take, for example, EDTA Calcium, one of our formula’s main ingredients and a chelating agent. EDTA has a negative charge, while heavy metals like lead and mercury have a positive charge. Due to this opposite charge, the EDTA can bind to the heavy metal to form a neutral compound. This process is akin to a lock and key, where the chelating agent (the lock) fits perfectly with the metal ion (the key).

Where Do the Toxins Go?

Once the chelating agent binds to the toxin, forming a stable complex, this compound becomes water soluble and can be safely removed from the body. This process mainly occurs through renal excretion, meaning the complex is expelled in urine. Some chelating agents can also promote toxin removal through the feces.

There are several tests available to measure your body’s toxic load and determine if chelation therapy is effective:

1. **Heavy Metal Testing** This involves looking at blood, urine, or hair samples. A baseline measurement of heavy metal levels is established before starting chelation therapy. Subsequent tests are conducted to monitor any decreases in metal levels during or after the therapy.

2. **Chelation Challenge Test** This test involves taking a chelating agent and collecting 24-hour urine samples. The collected urine is then tested for heavy metals. This approach helps uncover hidden heavy metals in the body that might not be detected in standard tests.

3. **Other Laboratory Tests** Additional tests, such as a complete blood count, liver function tests, and kidney function tests, can also provide insights into the body’s capacity to manage toxins and the effectiveness of chelation therapy. These tests help identify any potential strain or damage to organs caused by heavy metals.

It’s crucial to conduct all medical procedures and tests under the supervision of a qualified healthcare provider to ensure they are performed safely and accurately.

Kidney Function

Several ingredients found in modern chelation support products may have beneficial effects.

EDTA is a chelating agent known for its ability to bind to heavy metals. It can potentially aid in their removal, reducing the toxic burden on the kidneys. A study published in Biomedical Research International suggested the potential benefit of EDTA.

Chlorella Algae, known for its detoxifying properties, has also shown promise in helping renal function. Specifically, a study in the Journal of Medicinal Food suggested that Chlorella might improve renal function in dialysis patients by reducing the absorption of toxic substances in the intestines.

Modified Citrus Pectin, a specialized form of pectin, may be able to bind to and facilitate the excretion of a range of toxins, including heavy metals. This could potentially reduce the burden these toxins place on the kidneys, as highlighted in a study published in Phytotherapy Research.

Brain Detox

Several unique ingredients could support brain health and function. For instance, EDTA might reduce the harmful effects of heavy metals on the brain by helping remove them. Accumulated heavy metals are linked to neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease.

A review in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease pointed out the potential benefits of chelation therapy for Alzheimer’s.

Alpha Lipoic Acid, an antioxidant, has been associated with potential benefits for the brain. A review in CNS & Neurological Disorders – Drug Targets indicated that Alpha Lipoic Acid might protect the brain in conditions like multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s disease.

Shilajit, an ancient remedy from Ayurvedic tradition, has been credited with neuroprotective effects. A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that Shilajit could enhance memory and cognitive functions in rats. This suggests it could benefit brain health.

Remember, while these findings are promising, they aren’t definitive proof of effectiveness. More studies, especially on humans, are needed to draw firm conclusions. Always check with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement.

Liver Detox

The liver plays a key role in detoxification within the body. One of its main jobs is to filter out harmful substances from the bloodstream. When unhealthy heavy metals enter the bloodstream, it is the liver’s responsibility to help remove them, which can tax your system. Chelation therapy may support liver health by aiding in detoxification and reducing the overall toxic burden on the liver.

Here are some specifics on things that have been studied for their potential to support liver health:

  1. EDTA (Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid). As a chelating agent, EDTA binds to heavy metals and helps remove them from the body. This can potentially reduce the strain on the liver, which otherwise would have to work harder to remove these toxins. A study published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry demonstrated the ability of EDTA to chelate cadmium and reduce its toxic effects in the liver, potentially preserving liver health 13.
  2. Milk Thistle Seed Powder. Milk thistle is known for its liver protective properties, which can protect the liver from damage. A review published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine reported that silymarin, an active compound in milk thistle, can help protect the liver from toxins, including certain heavy metals 14.
  3. NAC (N-Acetyl Cysteine). NAC is a powerful and well-known antioxidant that can help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. A World Journal of Gastroenterology study reported that NAC may help reduce liver damage caused by various toxic substances, including heavy metals 15.

Amazing Chelation Supplements: A Preventive Measure for Health, Not a Cure for Severe Disease

Chelation therapy can often be misunderstood when taken via oral capsules. It is preventative, not a panacea or cure-all. It is not capable of curing severe diseases and chronic health conditions.

Oral chelation blends, like Chelanox, are preventive measures that aim to reduce the body’s toxic load. They help support overall health and potentially reduce the risk of specific health issues.

How They Work

Chelation works by binding to toxic metals in the body and aiding in their removal. These toxins, including heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic, can build up over time. This can be due to various factors, such as environmental pollution. Consumption of certain foods and exposure to some types of industrial work can also come into play. Over time, this toxic load can contribute to many health issues, including cardiovascular disease, neurological disorders, and kidney damage. By helping to reduce this toxic load, chelation can potentially support overall health and wellness.

Ingredients in chelation products like EDTA, Chlorella Algae, and Modified Citrus Pectin have been shown in studies to bind to toxins. This potentially aids their removal from the body. This does not mean they can cure diseases caused by these toxins, but they may help reduce the risk or severity of such diseases by limiting the body’s exposure to these harmful substances.

Chelation can’t replace conventional treatments for severe diseases. Chelation supplements are not likely to reverse these conditions or act as a standalone cure for individuals with significant health conditions like late-stage cardiovascular disease, advanced kidney disease, or serious neurological disorders.

Severe diseases typically require comprehensive treatment plans overseen by healthcare professionals, including medication, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgical interventions.


Chelating ingredients shine in preventive health care. They aid in toxin management, helping overall health and reducing disease risks. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, they form a strong disease prevention strategy. Chelation can be a valuable preventive tool, not a cure. Always consult a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement, especially if you have health conditions or take other medications. This ensures safety and suitability.

The Efficacy of Vitamin D in Atrial Fibrillation Risk Reduction

Important Recent Study

Atrial fibrillation, aka a-fib, is a common heart rhythm disorder and is a significant concern, especially for older adults. It increases the risk of stroke, heart failure, and even death. Research over the years has shown light on the vital role of certain nutrients like Vitamin D in overall health and, more specifically, cardiovascular health.

A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland shows that a higher than recommended Vitamin D intake over an extended time can considerably mitigate the risk of atrial fibrillation in older adults. In layperson’s terms, it may support the prevention of a-fib. This fascinating revelation could have massive implications for preventative health strategies, highlighting the importance of ideal nutrition for heart health.

At Bionox, our Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition offers a balanced blend of critical nutrients, including Vitamin D, to bolster heart health and overall well-being.* Since our company’s inception, we have understood the importance of Vitamin D.

The Finnish Vitamin D Trial

The study published in the American Heart Journal is based on the Finnish Vitamin D Trial (FIND) carried out from 2012 to 2018. The core objective of FIND was to examine the correlation between Vitamin D supplementation and the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and cancers.
The five-year study comprised 2,495 participants, including men aged 60 and above and women aged 65 and above. These participants were randomized into three groups: a placebo group and two Vitamin D3 supplementation groups. One group received 1,600 International Units (IU) daily, and the other received 3,200 IU daily of Vitamin D3. Additionally, all participants were permitted to take their Vitamin D supplement, up to 800 IU per day, which was the recommended dosage for this age group at the beginning of the study.
The study monitored the participants closely, providing detailed input on their lifestyle, nutrition, risk factors, and disease occurrence. Many participants were randomly selected for more in-depth examinations and blood tests.

Vitamin D: A Protective Shield

During the study, 190 participants were diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Among them, 76 were from the placebo group, 59 from the 1,600 IU group, and 55 from the 3,200 IU group. Remarkably, the risk of atrial fibrillation was found to be 27% lower in the 1,600 IU group and 32% lower in the 3,200 IU group compared to the placebo group.

At the outset, the mean baseline serum calcidiol concentration, a marker of the body’s Vitamin D status, was relatively high at 75 nmol/l. After one year, the mean calcidiol concentration rose to 100 nmol/l in the 1,600 IU group and 120 nmol/l in the 3,200 IU group. Interestingly, the placebo group showed no significant change in the calcidiol concentration.

What sets this study apart is that it is the first randomized controlled trial that showed Vitamin D supplementation reduces the risk of atrial fibrillation in generally healthy men and women. Previously, only two randomized trials attempted to observe an effect but used relatively smaller doses of 400 IU or 2,000 IU per day. Although further research is warranted to validate these results, these findings are undeniably promising.

It’s important to note that the dosages of Vitamin D used in this study exceed the daily recommended values. Yet, they were shown to be safe and effective over the five years. This point emphasizes that Vitamin D, even at higher dosages, can be safely incorporated into our diet to provide significant health benefits potentially.

New Perspectives

Historically, the recommended daily Vitamin D intake was up to 800 International Units (IU) per day. This dose was considered adequate to fulfill the body’s needs and maintain good bone health. However, the Finnish Vitamin D Trial upends this conventional wisdom by demonstrating the safety and efficacy of what was previously considered ‘very high’ intakes of Vitamin D – doses of 1,600 IU and 3,200 IU per day.

The study participants who took these higher doses over five years demonstrated no adverse effects and exhibited a significantly lower risk of atrial fibrillation. These findings challenge the traditional view on Vitamin D dosage, suggesting that higher intakes could be both safe and beneficial in cardiovascular health.

As the scientific understanding of Vitamin D evolves, these ‘high’ intakes could become the new normal for optimal health and wellness.

Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition by Bionox: The Vitamin D Advantage.

At Bionox, our Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition amalgamates essential nutrients, including Vitamin D, to foster heart health. Vitamin D has shown its potential in reducing atrial fibrillation risk, and by integrating this vitamin at appropriate levels in our nutritional supplement, we aim to provide a comprehensive dietary solution to our consumers.

The Finnish Vitamin D Trial underlines the power of essential nutrients, like Vitamin D, in mitigating the risk of conditions such as atrial fibrillation. The research validates the effectiveness of a comprehensive nutritional strategy, as provided by Bionox’s Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, in promoting heart health and overall well-being.

Bionox continuously strives to integrate and apply insights from the latest scientific research into our products. By offering a unique blend of essential nutrients, we empower you to live a healthier and more vibrant life.

Besides the many benefits mentioned in this study, Vitamin D plays a vital role in many bodily functions, including supporting Nitric Oxide Synthase functions and subsequent Nitric Oxide production.
Nitric Oxide is a vital molecule in the body, influencing various physiological functions, including vasodilation – the widening of blood vessels. This process enhances blood flow and the supply of oxygen to tissues. Nitric Oxide Synthase is the enzyme that catalyzes the production of Nitric Oxide in our bodies.

Vitamin D influences Nitric Oxide Synthase in several ways. Firstly, it stimulates the production of Nitric Oxide Synthase, increasing Nitric Oxide synthesis. Additionally, there is evidence suggesting that Vitamin D could enhance the biological availability of Nitric Oxide by reducing oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can limit Nitric Oxide availability by transforming it into a harmful compound known as peroxynitrite. Vitamin D helps preserve Nitric Oxide by mitigating oxidative stress, upholding or extending its beneficial effects.

To learn more about the study visit www.uef.fi/en.

The Power of Fruit Extracts in Bionox's Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition

When you look at the ingredients list on our Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition label, adorned with our vibrant ‘river of fruit’ image, you might wonder: “Can fruit extracts truly be that powerful?” The answer, simply put, is a yes.

Each fruit extract in our unique blend has been selected not just for their mouth-watering taste, but more importantly for their potent health-promoting properties. Here’s a brief rundown of the fruits included in our formula, and how they can support your health, nitric oxide levels and more:

Pomegranate Extract: Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants, which are known to promote the production of nitric oxide.
Antioxidants also help protect the nitric oxide molecule helping it to last longer. Also, studies have shown that pomegranate extract may improve exercise performance, reduce muscle damage, and enhance blood flow by boosting and extending nitric oxide levels and lifespan.

Watermelon Extract: Watermelon is very high in the amino acid citrulline. Citrulline is converted into arginine in your body, which is then used in turn to create nitric oxide. Thus, watermelon extract can contribute to increased nitric oxide levels and improved vascular health.
Why not just add citrulline? Getting as many different types of citrulline as possible is important so while our formula has citrulline in it’s amino acid form, the watermelon form is going to be a little different. More options equates to more conversion into nitric oxide.

Blackberry Extract: Blackberries are high in vitamin C and fiber, but they also contain compounds that improve vascular function. This can aid in the promotion of nitric oxide production, improving blood flow and reducing blood pressure.

Raspberry Extract: Raspberries are rich in flavonoids and have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. These compounds can stimulate the production of nitric oxide, which contributes to vascular health.

Grape Seed Skin Extract: Perhaps the most impressive of our fruit extracts, grape seed extract, has a wide range of benefits, from cardiovascular support to antioxidant protection. It contains high amounts of oligomeric proanthocyanidin complexes (OPCs) – powerful antioxidants that play a role in supporting nitric oxide synthase (NOS), the enzyme responsible for producing nitric oxide in our bodies. By encouraging the activity of NOS, grape seed extract contributes to higher nitric oxide levels, promoting better blood flow and overall cardiovascular health.

Camu Camu Berry: This superfruit is loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants. Current research suggests that the bioactive compounds in Camu Camu could potentially increase nitric oxide production, supporting heart health and immune function to mention just a few benefits.

As you can see, fruit extracts are far more than just flavor enhancers. They are packed with powerful compounds that help maintain optimal health and support nitric oxide production at the same time. When incorporated in the right way, as we do in Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, they can offer significant benefits to your overall health.

Vitamin K2 and Heart Health

Vitamin K2 and Heart Health

Introduction: The Essential Role of Vitamin K2

Vitamin K2 is a remarkable and essential nutrient, notable for its multifaceted contribution to our health. Predominantly recognized for its crucial role in heart health and bone preservation, Vitamin K2 is an under-appreciated vitamin that significantly influences our overall well-being. Found in a variety of foods such as cheese, liver, and egg yolks, this nutrient is often lacking in our daily consumption, making supplementation a practical solution for many. Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition contains an effective 180 mcg dosage of Vitamin K2, perfectly geared to fulfill this dietary gap.

Vitamin K2: A Brief History

Vitamin K was first discovered in 1929 as an essential nutrient for blood coagulation. The letter ‘K’ comes from the German word ‘Koagulation.’ Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) was later distinguished as a member of the vitamin K series and was found to have distinct benefits separate from its Vitamin K1 counterpart [1]. With increasing research, it’s now evident that K2 plays a significant role in various bodily functions, from cardiovascular health to cognitive function.

Unpacking the Heart Health Benefits of Vitamin K2

A profound influence of Vitamin K2 is on heart health. Vitamin K2 carries the unique capacity to regulate calcium in the body – directing it towards the bones and teeth, where it’s required, and away from the arteries and veins, where it can cause calcification and potential cardiovascular diseases [2]. By inhibiting calcium deposits in arteries and veins, Vitamin K2 promotes the health and elasticity of these blood vessels, thus reducing heart disease risks.

Vitamin K2 and Heart Health

Understanding the Dosage: Why 180 mcg?

Optimal dosage recommendations for Vitamin K2 can differ depending on individual factors. However, research indicates that a daily intake of around 180 mcg for most adults ensures adequate utilization of this vitamin without risking overdosage [3]. This dosage provides a safe and effective means to harness the benefits of Vitamin K2 and maintain a healthy balance within the body.

The Influence of Vitamin K2 on Veins and Arteries

Vitamin K2 has a direct, significant impact on our veins and arteries. By activating a protein called Matrix GLA protein (MGP), K2 effectively inhibits calcium from depositing in the walls of blood vessels, ensuring their flexibility and healthy function [4]. The result is an essential reduction in vascular calcification, promoting healthy blood flow and decreasing the risk of various cardiovascular ailments.

Vitamin K2: Its Effects on the Brain

Emerging research suggests a promising role for Vitamin K2 in supporting brain health. Vitamin K is involved in the synthesis of sphingolipids, a type of fat abundant in brain cells, crucial for their health [5]. Furthermore, Vitamin K2’s role in calcium regulation can potentially prevent calcification and subsequent degradation of neural tissues, reducing the risk of neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease.

Vitamin K2’s Potential Role in Cancer Prevention

Increasing evidence hints at Vitamin K2’s potential role in cancer prevention and treatment. Preliminary studies suggest that Vitamin K2 can inhibit the growth of various types of cancer cells [6]. While more extensive research is necessary in this field, the initial findings are indeed compelling.

Additional Benefits of Vitamin K2

Beyond its influence on heart health, veins, arteries, brain health, and potential cancer prevention, Vitamin K2 has a plethora of additional benefits. For instance, Vitamin K2’s role in bone health is noteworthy. It activates a protein called osteocalcin, which helps bind calcium to the bones, preventing conditions like osteoporosis [7].

Additionally, Vitamin K2 supports dental health by preventing calcium from accumulating and contributing to tooth decay [8]. Moreover, Vitamin K2 plays a role in supporting a healthy immune system and regulating blood sugar [9].

Is Vitamin K2 Safe?

Vitamin K2 is generally safe for most people when taken by mouth or injected into the vein appropriately. Most people can take it without any adverse side effects. However, each individual’s tolerance can vary, and it’s important to follow the recommended dosage guidelines and consult with a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen [10].

American Heart Association Study

The American Heart Association’s published study reported that vitamin K2 supplements did not slow the progression of calcium deposits on the aortic valves in older men. This conclusion may indeed be disheartening to those hoping for a non-invasive method to mitigate aortic stenosis. However, it’s essential to interpret these results in the broader context of scientific research, which often includes conflicting findings and unexpected outcomes.

Firstly, the nature of scientific exploration dictates that single studies, even if randomized and double-blind, should not be seen as definitive. Each study has limitations and nuances that need to be considered. Also, a body of research is typically more significant than individual findings. Just because one study did not find an effect does not mean that the effect does not exist. It could mean that the effect was not detected due to various factors related to study design, population, dosage, timing, and so forth.

Next, it’s important to recognize that this study focused on individuals with already established aortic stenosis. The process of calcification had already begun in these individuals. The role of vitamin K2 might be more preventive than therapeutic, meaning it might have a more significant impact when taken before the onset of calcification, rather than after it has already occurred.

Moreover, this study focused on a relatively specific population: older men with aortic stenosis. The results may not necessarily apply to other groups, such as women, younger individuals, or those at risk of aortic stenosis but not yet diagnosed.

Lastly, the dosages and forms of vitamin K2 used in the study could also impact the results. Different forms of vitamin K2, such as MK-4 and MK-7, have different properties, including different half-lives in the body. The dosage used might not have been sufficient to make a noticeable impact on the progression of aortic stenosis.

So, while it’s essential to take this study into account, it is also crucial to consider the broader context and the limitations of the study. Future research should continue to explore the role of vitamin K2 in heart health, including its potential preventive role and its impact in different populations.


The Vital Role of Water Environments in Enhancing Health and Longevity

If you are a Bionox customer, you’re already mindful of the critical role of superior health in the pursuit of longevity. Alongside your commitment to providing your body with premium supplements like Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, it may surprise you to learn that your surroundings can significantly impact your wellness journey. One such environmental element that has demonstrated promising effects on health and longevity is water.

Unveiling the Power of Blue Spaces

The inherent bond we share with water, from the soothing effects of undulating ocean waves to the tranquil serenity of a placid lake, is often termed “Blue Mind.” This concept, introduced by marine biologist Dr. Wallace J. Nichols, describes the mildly meditative state of relaxation our minds enter when we’re near, in, on, or under water.

Scientific research backs this idea, indicating that closeness to “blue spaces” like seas, lakes, and rivers can bolster mental health, mitigate stress, and potentially prolong life. These blue spaces encompass any water-filled environment, from a serene beach to a bustling harbor or a peaceful river to a cascading waterfall.

Mental Health and Water: The Connection

Research published in the journal “Health & Place” suggested that individuals residing near the coast reported superior physical and mental health compared to their inland counterparts. The hypothesis was that the visual and auditory sensations of water could stimulate a meditative state leading to substantial mood enhancement.

Furthermore, a study conducted by Michigan State University demonstrated that residents with a water view scored lower on measurements of psychological distress. Intriguingly, the research revealed that the accessibility of blue spaces was even more beneficial for mental health than green spaces, including forests or verdant parks.

Physical Health Advantages of Blue Spaces

Our predilection for water doesn’t cease at mental health. An ongoing research project called BlueHealth is investigating how water-based environments in urban spaces can enhance public health. Preliminary findings imply that participating in physical activities in blue spaces — such as swimming, sailing, or a casual beach walk — can lead to multiple health benefits. These include a lowered risk of chronic illnesses, improved cardiovascular health, and an enhanced immune response.

The Social Impact of Water

Water’s positive effects also reach into the realm of social health. Waterside areas often act as community social hubs, fostering connection through shared activities like fishing, swimming, or simply appreciating a shared sunset. In this manner, blue spaces can alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation — significant factors in the overall health and longevity equation.

Water Proximity and Longevity

Given these health benefits, it’s logical to conclude that residing near water could contribute to a longer lifespan. A study from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health revealed that residing in a “blue zone” — areas near bodies of water — correlated with lower levels of psychological distress.

The association between longevity and blue zones expands beyond just bodies of water. The term “Blue Zones” is also used to describe regions globally where individuals live longer, healthier lives. These include places like Sardinia, Italy, and Okinawa, Japan — both island cultures surrounded by water.

Personal Experiences: The Blue Mind at Work

Beyond scientific research, personal experiences frequently echo the health advantages of water environments. Here are a couple of compelling instances:

Debbie’s Journey: Debbie, a retiree aged 62, relocated to a beachfront property a few years ago. Since the move, she’s noticed substantial improvements in her mental and physical wellbeing. The stress associated with city living has faded, replaced by the rhythmic lull of ocean waves. Physically, Debbie has never been more active, with daily beach walks and water aerobics now part of her routine.

Mark’s Transformation: Mark, a corporate worker, found his stress levels skyrocketing. His doctor suggested incorporating more relaxation into his routine. Mark chose to take up fishing at a nearby lake. Over time, he discovered that the hours spent lakeside brought him tranquility like never before. His sleep improved, his anxiety reduced, and he found himself more energized and content.

Tips to Enhance Your Connection with Water

So, how can you harness the health-boosting benefits of blue spaces? Here are a few tips:

Engage in Water-Based Activities: Activities like swimming, kayaking, sailing, or fishing can enhance your physical health while allowing you to reap the calming effects of water.

Bring Water to You: If you’re not near a natural water body, create your own water features at home. Aquariums, small indoor fountains, or even listening to water sounds can offer similar benefits.

Regularly Visit Blue Spaces: Plan routine trips to the beach, a lake, or a river. If you’re city-bound, seek out an urban water feature like a fountain or man-made lake to spend time near.

Meditate Near Water: Combine the calming effects of meditation with the soothing nature of water. Meditating near a water source, or even while visualizing one, can heighten the relaxation benefits.

Include Water Views in Your Home: If feasible, arrange your living spaces to maximize natural views of water. Even images of water bodies in your home can help induce a sense of calm.


Being near water, living near water, and even just viewing water can dramatically boost your mental and physical health, ultimately contributing to a longer, more fulfilling life. Along with the use of Bionox supplements like Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, invite water into your wellness journey. Let the ebb and flow of water infuse tranquility, health, and longevity into your existence. In a world that often feels chaotic and hurried, the water’s edge offers a sanctuary of serenity, a blue space where you can reclaim your well-being, one wave at a time.

bionox supplements

How Millionaire Habits Can Guide Your Use of Bionox Supplements

At Bionox Supplements, we are committed to supporting your health and well-being journey, providing superior-quality nitric oxide supplements and valuable knowledge to enhance your overall lifestyle.

Today, we want to draw your attention to a riveting article on CNBC by Tom Corley, “I asked 233 millionaires what they stopped wasting money on after they got rich.” As an esteemed accountant, financial planner, and author, Corley spent five years studying the habits and mindset of 233 millionaires, unearthing insights that we believe can significantly benefit our Bionox supplement users.

1. Prioritizing Quality Nutrition: Similar to how you have made an informed choice to invest in Bionox supplements, millionaires prioritize their health through quality nutrition. They opt for wholesome, organic foods free from harmful preservatives, reinforcing that good health is a non-negotiable investment. As a user of Bionox supplements, you already understand the importance of this choice.

2. Investing in Long-lasting Quality: The millionaires Corley studied understand the long-term value of investing in high-quality, durable items over cheap ones. This principle resembles your decision to incorporate Bionox supplements into your health routine. Our products, scientifically designed for maximum efficiency and durability, provide sustainable health benefits, justifying your investment.

3. Proactive Steps Towards Longevity: Interestingly, the studied millionaires lean toward replacing rather than repairing items in their homes and lives. They recognize the value and peace of mind in long-term solutions. Like this, choosing Bionox supplements is a proactive step towards maintaining and improving your overall health, thereby preventing potential health concerns.

4. The Ultimate Luxury – Time is perhaps our most valuable asset. Many millionaires in the study chose to invest in services that freed up their time, allowing for relaxation and focus on other important aspects of life. Using Bionox supplements can save you precious time too. Our supplements are convenient and easy to incorporate into your daily routine, eliminating the need for time-consuming health regimens.

5. Minimizing Unnecessary Risks: These millionaires demonstrate wisdom by avoiding unnecessary financial risks, such as buying lottery tickets. Your choice to use Bionox supplements reflects a similar mindset. Rather than chasing after quick-fix health fads that may pose risks, you’ve wisely invested in scientifically-backed Bionox supplements.

As you continue your health journey with Bionox supplements, we hope these millionaire habits inspire you to make smarter decisions that align with your health and financial goals. Remember, your health is an investment, not an expense. As with building financial wealth, achieving optimal health requires a strategic approach, consistency, and educated choices – all of which you’ve demonstrated by choosing Bionox supplements.

Continue to follow our blog for more insights and guidance on optimizing your health with Bionox. We are committed to serving you with scientifically-supported information, valuable health tips, and unparalleled quality supplements.