Which Nitric Oxide Supplement is the Best?

There Are Supplements For Everything

When it comes to making healthy choices, we all know the big ones: eat plenty of vegetables, exercise a few times a week, drink plenty of water, and spend a few minutes outside everyday moving around and getting some natural sunlight. The truly daunting task comes when we begin to venture into optimization. To be our healthiest selves, we often look to supplements to aid us in this endeavor. There are supplements for everything these days. Some people take protein powder to hit your macronutrient/caloric goals. Other people take pre-workout for an energy boost for workouts. Others take collagen for skin and nail health, and so many more. You can even take a multivitamin to “get those micronutrients.” In all that chaos, one supplement that will help you potentially live a longer and healthier life is nitric oxide.

A quick google search for nitric oxide supplements will pull up dozens of brands to choose from. So how do we figure out which nitric oxide supplement we should buy when there are so many to choose from? There are many factors to consider. Such factors include dosage, ingredients, flavor, and cost. By the end of this article, the answer will be clear.


What Is Nitric Oxide?

Without getting too scientific, nitric oxide (NO) is a molecule the body uses to relay information from cell to cell. NO is essentially a telephone between cells, aiding in multiple processes due to its function as a vasodilator. This means NO relaxes and widens your blood vessels. This in turn decreases your blood pressure and allows a better flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout your body. This improved blood flow has a ton of health benefits as a bonus! For this reason, many health and wellness circles refer to NO as a miracle molecule.


What Are the Health Benefits of Nitric Oxide Supplements?

When it comes to buying supplements, we all want to make sure if we are putting in the money to buy a supplement that it is worth investing in. Nothing hits the confidence and wallet worse than buying an expensive supplement that does nothing for you. Shopping for nitric oxide supplements is no different. If you get your hands on the right NO supplement, there are some amazing benefits for your overall health. As you learn more about the following benefits of NO, you’ll see why you should be buying one.


Improved Heart Health

NO is a vasodilator, meaning it can widen and relax the blood vessels. This in turn allows your blood to carry more oxygen and nutrients throughout the body more effectively. Another benefit of this vasodilation is improving your heart health. As a result, wider blood vessels lead to improved blood flow , reducing the chance of blood clotting. This also decreases blood pressure, meaning there is a lower chance of hypertension. All these benefits can reduce the risk of a heart attack and potentially lower your chances of developing heart disease. Regardless of your age and current health status, anything that can keep your ticker going longer is worth exploring. A solid nitric oxide supplement is going to be a good bet.


Improved Sexual Health and Performance

Fellas, this one is for you! Obviously, you want your favorite wingman going strong for as long as you’re around. If not, that’s cool but I’m positive I’m speaking for the majority here. So how do nitric oxide supplements help keep the good times rolling? We look again to that vasodilation. Nitric oxide will aid in the smooth muscles of the penis relaxing. These muscles relaxing is the key to a strong erection. So, in case you did not know, your muscles must RELAX for you to get HARD. Since NO can improve blood flow, supplementing NO can improve your erection. Furthermore, your performance in bed can be enhanced thanks to the overall improved circulation and blood flow. For the ladies who read this part, there is a little benefit for you as well with supplementing NO. Female arousal is potentially enhanced due to improved blood flow.


Improved Brain Health

Remember in the beginning of the article where we discussed how NO is a great at communicating between cells? Well, that includes brain cells. Thanks to NO’s ability to transmit information so well between cells, there is an improvement of cognitive ability. This means that increasing your NO intake can help reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. If you want to keep those neurons firing on all cylinders, a good nitric oxide supplement is key.


Improved Immune System Health

There are a couple ways NO can serve as an immune system aid. One way is through helping with cell transportation. Our immune system uses white blood cells to destroy harmful viruses, bacteria, and pathogens to keep us strong and healthy. For this to work optimally, we want our white blood cells to get to those pathogens as quickly as possible. NO comes in to make the our blood vessels wider and improving circulation so our white blood cells can get from Point A to Point B quick, fast, and in a hurry.
Another way NO aids in immune system support is by improving oxygen delivery. Supplementing with nitric oxide can improve the movement of oxygen throughout the body, and can improve the effectiveness of your immune system.


Improved Athletic Performance

Whether you are an avid gym-goer, hardcore athlete, or average joe, you likely care about how exercise makes your body look and feel. Well, NO can be helpful there too. Since NO is said to improve oxygen delivery through the body, NO can improve exercise performance and reduce muscle soreness. Another potential benefit of NO for exercise is it can be helpful in improving exercise tolerance and muscular endurance. It is because of this belief there is often NO in certain pre-workouts. There is research that says NO can help you work out longer and harder, but more research is needed there. What we can say is NO will help your body push blood, oxygen, and nutrients into muscles more effectively, improving your ability to exercise more.


Which Nitric Oxide Supplement Should I Get?

Now we finally get to the good stuff, finding the right supplement. Provided you have already investigated naturally increasing your NO levels via exercise and superfoods such as beets and other veggies, it’s time to check the supplement labels. Not only do the ingredients matter, but the amount of each ingredient matters. The right dosage of ingredients is what makes the NO viable for your body to use. So, what are we looking for and how much are we looking for on the label?


What to Look For? L-Arginine.

This is an amino acid that occurs naturally in red meat, milk, cheese, chicken, and fish. The body uses L-Arginine to produce NO, which triggers the release of hormones such as insulin. With NO released into the body, vasodilation and all those benefits associated with vasodilation can occur. Since L-Arginine is an amino acid, the body uses it to build proteins.


How Much to Look For?

Studies will vary about the exact dosage you should consume daily for optimal results, but most will agree that 3-6 grams is sufficient for improving NO levels in your body and reaping the benefits.


What to Look for? L-Citrulline.

This is an amino acid that occurs naturally in the body is found in foods such as nuts and watermelon. When consumed, the body converts L-Citrulline into L-Arginine and NO for use. People use L-Citrulline and L-Arginine together in many supplements to increase NO levels in the body.


How Much to Look For?

Just like with L-Arginine, you want to find a supplement that has roughly 3-6 grams included. Exact dosages are contested in research and in real world application left to individual preference. If you are taking 5 grams or more of L-Arginine, you likely do not need as much L-Citrulline.


What Else to Look For ?

Firstly, a good nitric oxide supplement will help create an alkaline environment for stable and consistent NO bioavailability. A good Nitric oxide supplement will help promote antioxidants. A good nitric oxide supplement will have ingredients to promote NO absorption. Lastly, a good nitric oxide supplement contains a variety of vitamins to promote optimum health.




Final Thoughts on Nitric Oxide Supplements

Let’s face it: it can cost an arm and a leg getting your hands on every so-called necessary supplement. You likely don’t need multivitamins and other random supplements like you think you do. Plenty of supplements consumed can be found in a well-balanced diet. What you do need is a data-driven, medically-backed nitric oxide supplement that is trusted by actual doctors all over the world who stand behind the product.


Bionox is the Proud Sponsor of SOHO Expo 2021

Dr. Jay Wilkins and Professional Golfer Chris DiMarco, having a blast doing what they love.

The SOHO EXPO is a Natural Products Industry Trade Show and Convention. The convention offers a perfect mix of natural products industry along with speakers ranging from professors, doctors, health food store owners, and more. Our founder and formulator, Dr. Jay Wilkins, even had the opportunity to present on Nitric Oxide: Your Body’s Best Medicine.

Bionox had the honor of sponsoring the SENPA Expo 2021. It was a pleasure to see everyone’s smiling faces in person in sunny Orlando, Florida. We even had professional golfer, Chris DiMarco, come out and host a training session for the lucky guests that we able to join!


Dr. Jay Wilkins giving his presentation on Nitric Oxide: Your Body’s Best Medicine

“It was wonderful to see everyone out and about. I enjoyed getting on the golf course with the golf legend, Chris DiMarco. I know the fans enjoyed it as well. Overall it was a great weekend filled with golf and learning. We had numerous people come to our booth to learn about the miracle molecule, nitric oxide, and to putt a few holes!” -Dr. Jay Wilkins


PGA Golf Legend, Chris DiMarco, showing us how it’s done!

If we missed you this year, make sure you are subscribed to our email newsletters so you can come next year. We have multiple opportunities to come out and have some fun. We hope to see your smiling faces soon!



Positively Natural Marketplace

The annual Positively Natural Marketplace event is the premier natural product trade show and educational conference in the Western Region. Made for private, wholesale buyer show only.


Dr. Jay giving his presentation at Positively Natural Marketplace Event

On October 21st and 22nd, Bionox had the privilege to sponsor the event. Our founder and formulator, Dr. Jay Wilkins was able to share our story with others and enlighten them on the ‘miracle molecule,’ nitric oxide!


Dr. Jay Wilkins giving the Nitric Oxide: Your Body’s Best Medicine Presentation

Nitric oxide is produced by almost every cell in the body, and one of the most important molecules for blood vessel health. At Bionox we use the l-arginine method found in M3 Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, and the nitrate method found in Nox3 Greens and Nox3 Beets. In Dr. Jay’s presentation, he goes in to the detail regarding the benefits and future of nitric oxide.
A few benefits include:


  • Circulation
  • Muscle and Bone Recovery
  • Athletics
  • Vitality
  • Vision
  • Brain Function
  • Cellular Energy
  • Digestion

Learn more about the arginine pathway here.

Learn more about the nitrate pathway here.


Dr. Jay Wilkins and friends with at the Bionox booth.

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The ACA Council on Nutrition presents: Natural Interventions in Immunology

Dr. Jay Wilkins and wife at the American Chiropractor Association Council on Nutrition.

Dr. Jay Wilkins was thrilled to have the opportunity to join the ACA Event in Florida this October. It is always a good time to get out and spread the knowledge of the miracle molecule, nitric oxide!

"Great to be out talking to doctors about the benefits of nitric oxide for their patients and practice," said Dr. Jay. "Being on the coast of Florida in October ain't bad either!"

Dr. Jay explaining the benefits of nitric oxide at the conference.
Dr. Jay explaining Bionox and how it has changed and benefited numerous people's lives.

"It is always an inspiration to get out in public, finally, and talk with fellow colleagues. I enjoy learning about other doctors in the natural medical realm."

At the Bionox booth you can learn all about each of our products with free samples. We even have a cardio and stress screening that shows results in just 3 minutes. If you ever get the chance to join a conference with us there, we would love to see you!

Make sure you follow all our social platforms for any future conferences or speaking events:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bionoxusa/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

Arginine While Fasting

What is Nitric Oxide and Where Can I Find It?

Get a brief rundown on what nitric oxide does for you!

What is Nitric Oxide? 

Nitric oxide (NO) is a signaling molecule. A signaling molecule is responsible for transmitting information between cells in your body. NO is formed from the amino acid, l-arginine. Amino acid is necessary for the body to make proteins. Nitric oxide is a proven regulator in the vascular, immune, and nervous systems. There are two different pathways for nitric oxide; l-arginine, and nitrate pathway. 

L-Arginine Pathway

Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide. When combined with l-citrulline found in our best selling product, M3 Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition, the benefits are optimal. Once consumed nitric oxide is produced from those amino acids. 

Nitrate Pathway 

Nitrates can be found in a variety of different superfoods such as beets, arugula, rhubarb, and watermelon. Once consumed the nitrates convert to nitric oxide in the body. This can be assisted in the new, and recently reformulated Nox3 Greens Ultimate Nitric Oxide Superfood, made with 26 powerful superfoods, and Nox3 Beets Ultimate Nitric Oxide Lozenge.

Nitric Oxide Benefits 

In simple terms, nitric oxide relaxes your inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing them to widen, increasing blood flow, and lowering blood pressure. Thus, proving to be a regulator in the vascular system. In the immune system, NO is secreted to fight bacteria and parasites. Regarding the nervous system, nitric oxide works as a neurotransmitter to control functions ranging from digestion, blood flow, memory, and vision. 

Nitric oxide prevents heart disease, increases stamina, decreases muscle soreness, and boosts exercise performance. Benefits found in our top products include; circulatory wellness, cellular energy, nitric oxide production, muscle and bone recovery, athletic performance, vitality, vision, brain function, digestion, and energy. 

Beetroot is one of the top superfoods to boost nitric oxide levels. Found in many of our top products!

Foods that Naturally Increase Nitric Oxide 

Nitric oxide can be increased naturally through either nitrates or amino acids from the foods listed below. Both can be assisted through nitric oxide supplements. All of which can be found on www.bionoxusa.com

  • Beets (found in Nox3 Beets Ultimate Nitric Oxide Lozenge) 
  • Garlic 
  • Watermelon (found in M3 Ultimate Nitric Oxide Nutrition)
  • Dark Chocolate
  • Leafy Greens 
    • Arugula (found in Nox3 Greens Ultimate Nitric Oxide Superfood) 
    • Spinach 
  • Citrus Fruits
  • Pomegranate
  • Nuts and Seeds 
  • Red Wine

Special Guest Mark Valenti

Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay Episodes 16 and 17


Check out our first personal trainer, Mark Valenti of Powered Up Systems. Mark coaches personal fitness classes via zoom and in person. His unique approach to personal training has created multiple results for numerous people. Tune into both episodes to see how Mark brings education to deliver results. Dr. Jay and Mark Valenti discuss all things body composition, favorite service offered, and much more! Stay tuned for a special clip of Dr. Jay’s personal training session. 

Join us each week while our founder and formulator Dr. Jay Wilkins interviews a new guest each week. Follow along on all of our social platforms.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

LinkedIn: Bionox

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOfXNwkN4th2FBpgCKZtrvkoA0YHBFZn

Spotify @ Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay

Special Guest Dr. Tobi Jeurink

Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay Episodes 12 and 13


We our first ever female guest this week, please welcome Dr. Tobi Jeurink! Dr. Jeurink grew up battling arthritis and autoimmune conditions , she learned at a very early age that the most effective forms of medication are the ones that not only deal with symptoms, but truly improve your overall health. Dr. Jeurink graduated from college and shortly after went on to purchase her own chiropractic clinic. She believes in combining chiropractic and gut health together. From firsthand personal experience, Dr. Jeurink is able to treat her clients to the best of her abilities, to ultimately have great success! Join Dr. Jay and Dr. Jeurink as they explore how chiropractic ties into nutrition, the root cause of health issues, and much more!

Join us each week while our founder and formulator Dr. Jay Wilkins interviews a new guest each week. Follow along on all of our social platforms.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

LinkedIn: Bionox

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOfXNwkN4th2FBpgCKZtrvkoA0YHBFZn

Spotify @ Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay

Special Guest Dr. Adam Boender

Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay Episodes 10 and 11

Watch part one with Dr. Adam Boender! Watch part two now on our YouTube channel linked below.

This week we have Dr. Adam Boender of Regenerative Treatment Centers in Kansas City! Dr. Boender is a former college athlete turned personal trainer and eventually a pioneer for regenerative medicine and certified chiropractor! He has a passion health and life to those around him. His practice focuses on making the client feel comfortable and welcome. Each new client he meets he makes sure to make a special connection. Join Dr. Boender and Dr. Jay as they discuss what regenerative healthcare means, and how Dr. Boender got into his practice through his very personal health journey with his family. We dive deep into emotions with personal family stories and heart-wrenching success stories. Dr. Boender’s journey is sure to put a smile on your face. 

Join us each week while our founder and formulator Dr. Jay Wilkins interviews a new guest each week. Follow along on all of our social platforms.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

LinkedIn: Bionox

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOfXNwkN4th2FBpgCKZtrvkoA0YHBFZn

Spotify @ Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay

Special Guest Vaughn Lawrence

Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay Episodes 8 and 9

Watch part one with Vaughn Lawrence, our very first naturopath. Other than Dr. Jay of course! Watch part two now on our YouTube page linked down below.

Introducing our very first naturopath. Vaughn Lawrence is the owner of Spirit of Health in Kansas. In 2000 Lawrence relocated to Las Vegas where he earned his Doctor of Naturopathy. He then proceeded to work as a health food store manager, educator, practitioner, and consultant before returning to Kansas in 2010 to open up his own practice. Since then Lawrence has received a certification as a colon hydro therapist, nutrition response testing practitioner, dietary supplement specialist, and iridologist. Now you may be wondering what does all that mean. Well, don’t worry we got you covered, in this episode Dr. Jay and Vaughn Lawrence cover what it means to be a naturopath, the GAPS diet, and numerous heart-touching success stories. Lawrence’s ultimate goal is to make natural health educations, tools, resources, and products available to people around the world. You don’t want to miss the heart-warming stories and belief in faith told by Vaughn Lawrence, click the link below to watch!

Join us each week while our founder and formulator Dr. Jay Wilkins interviews a new guest each week. Follow along on all of our social platforms.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

LinkedIn: Bionox

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOfXNwkN4th2FBpgCKZtrvkoA0YHBFZn

Spotify @ Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay

Special Guest Dr. Nathan Bryan

Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay Episodes 5-7

Watch part one with Dr. Nathan Bryan Now! Check out part two and three linked on YouTube below.

We are thrilled to introduce the Bionox family to, Dr. Nathan Bryan. Dr. Nathan Bryan is one of the world’s top experts in nitric oxide. He is an international leader in molecular medicine and nitric oxide biochemistry, along with the author of Functional Nitric Oxide Nutrition: Dietary Strategies to Prevent and Treat Chronic Disease (purchase now on our website)! In the next few episodes Dr. Jay and Dr. Nathan Bryan discuss opinions on nitrates, how many nitrates the average American consumers, chronic diseases, vegetation in different parts of the world, and much more. Dr. Bryan gives us details on what he thinks when he thinks about nitrates. The deep dive into the mind of a nitric oxide expert gives us a better understanding of how we can optimize our health to live life to the fullest.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bionoxnutrients

Twitter: https://twitter.com/BioNoxNutrients

LinkedIn: Bionox

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaOfXNwkN4th2FBpgCKZtrvkoA0YHBFZn

Spotify @ Motivating Wellness with Dr. Jay